RomansCAD P.D.M. Data Management for the Management of 3D/2D Design Studios and the Cutting Room
Data Management PDM applications dedicated to access to technical information management and sharing of them with the management systems and production control. RomansCad Data Management PDM is a platform based on Oracle engine dedicated to project management ISO 9001 for the field of Footware and Leather good
1. ISO 9001 Management of the design phase
2. Management and automatic creation of documentation
3. Management and automatic creation of variants, dies, the operations in the various languages
4. pre-Costing before the design itself
5. Import / Export for wide communication with EDP
Continuous updates and constant because your product is NOT becoming soon obsolete, but will always offer more functionality, implementations and corrections:
RCS Data Management + ORACLE
RCS Document Vault
RCS Data Model and Form Engineering
RCS Data Model and Form Pre-Costing
Options: Web Server, Citrix, Client / Server
Nowadays this is the only platform really DEDICATED and INTEGRATED for the footwear industry, the product of 15 years of work, experience and collaboration with major international industries. Based on the most powerful and reliable engine Relational Data Base ORACLE this incredible technology will allow you to have everything under control in real time, even via the Web (Java) and integrate all your creative work, technical, designs or decision-making (from design to cut) in your current management system EDP.
1. Platform Collaborative Product Data Management c.P.D.M. to ISO 9001 standards
2. technical data archiving structured and automated for the footwear industry (up to automatic cutting or to die).
3. Automatic creation in the language of all the technical documentation supporting activities, automatic conversion of all the technical data in various international formats (STL, IGES, DXF, HPGL, VGA, X3D, VRML, PDF, …
4. Automatic generation of VARIANTS SIZE / COLOR models and collections with its construction of the BOM and all the technical documentation necessary

To date this is the only REALLY DEDICATED integrated platform for the field of leather goods, the result of seven years of work, experience and collaboration with major international industries. Based on the most powerful and reliable engine Relational Data Base ORACLE this incredible technology will allow you to have everything under control in real time, even via the Web (Java) and integrate all your creative work, technical, planning or decision-making (from design to cut) in your current management system EDP.
1. Platform Collaborative Product Data Management c.P.D.M. to ISO 9001 standards
2. technical data archiving structured and automated for the leather goods industry (up to automatic cutting or to die).
3. Automatic creation in the language of all the technical documentation supporting activities, automatic conversion of all the technical data in various international formats (STL, IGES, DXF, HPGL, VGA, X3D, VRML, PDF, …
4. Automatic generation of VARIANTS SIZE / COLOR models and collections with its construction of the BOM and all the technical documentation necessary